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What is the ECRLOT code on my Address Label?

PaperKarma ECRLOT postal code

What is the ECRLOT code on my address label?

Such a great question we got from one of our subscribers this week!

The many types of address label codes on mailpieces

An address label on a catalog has many different pieces of information on it.

Of course there is your Name and Address, but also included are several other junk mail address label codes which mailers use to track your account and where they got your private information from.

1. Account or Customer Number
2. Source Code
3. Key Code
4. Offer Number
5. Certificate number
6. Reservation Number

Additionally there may be a mail preparation marking in the very first line on the address label called the Standard Mail Enhanced Carrier Route Flat.

Without further ado … the ECRLOT code

In this Subscriber’s case, ECRLOT stands for Enhanced Carrier Route Line Of Travel. This a discount Flat rate that bulk mailers receive for mailing 90 days in advance using the USPS. The codes are for internal use with the USPS.

There may also be other mail preparation markings such as:

ECRLOT codes are not important when removing your private information from direct mailers’ mailing lists.

Again, great question!

Keep on asking 🙂 At PaperKarma we’re here to help you stop junk mail for good.


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