PaperKarma is a convenient way to speed up opt-out requests and works with thousands of verified mailers. We save you the time and hassle of researching, emailing and calling each individual mailer. On average, Americans will spend about 8 months of their entire life dealing with junk mail!

The service is effective in getting rid of ~90% of junk mail, with visible results starting within 3-4 months of subscribing.

Chronic junk mail problems can take a year or more to resolve, as some mailers are active only in a certain season (e.g. back-to-school, holiday catalog, etc.). If you are unfortunate enough to have donated to a charity which has sold your personal information to other non-profits, getting off all the lists can take some time.

Ultimately the onus is on the mailers to honor your opt-out requests and add your submitted name /address to a suppression list.

If we are not successful in significantly reducing your junk mail problem, simply reach out to us to request a refund.

While we cannot guarantee the actions and compliance of each and every third-party mailer with each submission, we are confident in our solution to reduce junk mail and don’t wish to charge you if we haven’t helped your specific case.